Streams of Mercy

hem-of-his-garmentHave you ever wished there was more to the story? As a woman I have always been drawn to Jesus’ love and compassion and the few accounts of His direct encounters with women. The culture of the times placed very little value upon women, but He brought love, healing and value to their lives. A friend of mine has launched a website to encourage others to write and go deeper in their faith. She is such a talented writer and I was eager to take my turn after reading her first story.  I chose to write my way into the story of the woman with the blood issue that Jesus healed. A short account can be found in Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34 and Luke 8:43-48. Thanks for the prompts and encouragement Kendall.

Streams of Mercy

Twelve years. Twelve years of agony, weakness and shame. Twelve years and her identity was still unclean. She was so tired of being different than everyone else. So tired of living in the shadows. So tired of being excluded from community events. So; so simply tired.

Who was this Jesus, this Rabbi with unconventional followers. The town had been abuzz with spectacular claims about his many signs and wonders. Some people said he was just another prophet. Some people thought he was the promised Messiah. Others excitedly shared of the many miracles he was heard to have performed. Was he my answer? Did he know something that the countless doctors with their healing herbs and tinctures did not know? Could he really provide hope. Could she take the risk or open up her heart to believe again?

Did she dare to even think about making her way through the tremendous crowds following him? Today she woke up early.  Her mind was racing as she considered this might be the day of her healing. Maybe if she could just get close to him, her life would change forever. She was so tired of being confined and different than her friends. Their days were consumed with family and normal wifely duties. They had happiness and love to surround them. She had wasted so much time over the years in worry. This Jesus had once shared with his listeners: “Therefore, I tell you, don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.”  Today promised to be a day of faith instead of worry.

Finally the time had come to take her daring step. When she saw the vast multitudes vying for his attention her hope and determination began to sink. How could she possibly reach him? Was it worth the risk of being called out by the local religious leaders who were always seeking to discredit him in front of the people? As she moved closer and closer she heard the whispers of those surrounding her gasping and saying, “Isn’t that the unclean one?” How dare she walk through this crowd like she has the right to be here. People were pulling away in disgust and she suddenly found herself close behind him. If only just a touch could stop the flow and change her life forever. How could she put her hope in this strange teacher? At the same time, what did she have to lose. Before she realized what was happening she felt herself stretching out for the edge of his garment. She wasn’t sure what she had expected. After all there was no fanfare, messages in the sky or angel choirs singing. Yet she knew she had been healed. She felt new, different and cleansed. However, her incredible euphoria was short-lived as his voice echoed across the crowd. “Who touched me?”

His followers all looked at each other in shock. Of course, Peter was the one to speak up, ”Master in this pressing crowd how could you know that someone touched you?” Jesus responded, “I felt a touch on the edge of my robe as some of my power flowed out.” I had been miraculously healed, but my greatest fear had been realized. There was no place to hide from this humiliation. I was shaking–no longer from exhaustion. In fear I trembled and fell to the ground in front of him. My voice faltered as I began to confess. Then I glanced at his face and as our eyes locked I realized that he had not meant to condemn me because his eyes were full of so much compassion. He had only meant to give me a chance to come out from my shadows of shame.  The unbelievable had happened.  I knew with all of my being that I had been healed.  His tender response wrapped around me like arms of love. He simply said, “beloved daughter, your faith has healed you today. Peace be with you.” With those words I knew my life would never be the same.


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  1. Kendall says:

    Joy! I am so thankful that this was a meaningful exercise for you!!

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